Friday, November 30, 2012

Finally got a tablet!!! :D

Got a tablet of my very own just so I can start training myself in digital painting for next semester! Hoping to do a bunch over my winter break especially when I'm staying for a month in the Philippines and I don't think we have a ready access to the internet at our home there. So...less distractions! 

Here are two quick studies I did just now. Both shots from Skyfall, which has really great cinematography!!





It's definitely mind boggling to me to have all these assortments of colors in Photoshop and having to choose which one to use rather than just mixing and mixing to get the right one but I'm definitely having fun with it!


  1. Yeeee! Gizelle I'm so excited for your! It's great that your working with values, and the top one is good. In your brush settings in Photoshop, try bringing the spacing closer together so you can get better sharp edges. ^^

    Go, go, go! :D
